For this project I have decided to take my inspiration from my years of working in the service of alcohol. My experience in this industry has led me to see the adverse effects of alcohol. It is a product that results in unglamorous and tacky behaviour. I have therefore become very fascinated in the vintage advertising posters for alcohol. These posters are highly stylised and aim to glamorise the consumption of alcohol.

For my narrative I want to take my own experiences with the industry and combine them with these glamorous posters. I feel that this will help me to convert my experiences into something more positive.

Poster Art Examples:

Photo Shoot
New Image 1:
selected fruit and created a new layer. de saturated the rest of the image and brought the contrast up to around +30. The fruit has also had the contrast enhanced, to around +15, to highten the colours and textures.
New Image 2:
Used the same steps as image one.
New Image 3:
Used the same series of steps again and then re grouped the individual layers into one. The image has then been duplicated. The new layer has then been shifted down and set to  a transparancy level of 40%. This new image aims to  mimic the double vision experienced when a person is drunk.
Final Images: